Dive Buds
Efficient & easy communication & tracking tool for divers
Dive Buds are communication and tracking devices for divers that prioritize efficiency and safety. Dive Buds allow divers to communicate through pre-set messages that uses audio, vibration and light based alarm to immediately get other diver’s attention. These devices also use a GPS system to track each other and the boat.
The most commonly used methods of communication amongst divers are hand signals, underwater writing pads and hitting of air tanks with a tool. These methods might become difficult and less effective depending on circumstances such as distance, foggy water and hindered movement. A lot of variables that makes communication different can happen unexpectedly and instantly while diving, and the most important thing to do in any potential danger is to get the attention of other divers.
Concept Development
For a streamlined usability, I took inspiration from the Google Smart Home’s turning bezel and press system. I had the device go on the hand and not the wrist because of the possibility of the wrists already being occupied.
UI: Part 1
The texts are set up by connecting the Dive Buds with a smart phone or a lap top through an app. Dive Buds also track the boat and alerts the divers when they stray too far from it.
UI: Part 2
Instantly catches users’ attention through sound and vibration
Delivers easily readable texts that enable fast reaction
User friendly and streamlined UI